I’ve just arrived back from a trip to beautiful Maui, Hawaii.
I regret that I haven’t sat down to write to you yet this year, however the good news is that I have still been busily writing despite my silence.
Have you ever asked yourself why you show up? I have a lot lately………
Late last year I sat long to consider what brings me joy and discovered that my natural connection to a tree’s spirit was a privileged gift that I needed to acknowledge and then share.
My first tree connection caught me by surprise on my travels to Mauritius back in 2013. I had packed my bag and stepped out of my life. In desperation I needed to find myself. I had to forgive and release my broken past and it was there I met a thousand year old Banyan tree that held a space for me and I was gently guided to open my heart.
I wrote about this healing journey in ‘Finding Rosie Banyan’ and then captured the wisdom of the Banyan in a small gift book and set of guidance cards called ‘Banyan Tree Wisdom’.
In my own efforts to continue the feeling of balance that the Banyan provided to me, I bottled her up in a unique and special oil. Now, many people across the globe report amazing results by using her Alchemy oils.
At the time, on sharing Banyan with the world, I was unaware that further tree connections would follow. But since I have been fortunate to hear more stories from trees across the globe...
Imagine if trees had voices.
If, just like humans, they felt, observed and experienced life.
Imagine if they were the keepers of secrets,
including the mysteries of life itself.
What if they held the key to unlock deep wisdom?
If, through human hearts, their language could be heard,
felt and recorded.
What if you then received the gift of this deep wisdom?
As earth’s secret-keepers share their treasures,
I bring their wisdom, heart, joy, connection,
gratitude, peace and soul as my gift to you.
I never set out for these connections and ignored this ability for some time. Then I realised it was the very thing that made me, 'me'. Perhaps this is why I ‘show up’. It’s something that has enabled my own past pain to be set free and replaced with a feeling of peace and love.
Through my connections with Oak at my farm in Victoria, Banyan in Mauritius, Baobab in Senegal and Rainbow Gum in Maui, I am excited to bring you the Earth Giant Tree Series later this year. Not only will each tree's message be available as a small gift book but these will also be available as audio books. Additionally an alchemy oil will be released with each, to help you connect fully into the spirit of the tree.
One last thing I wanted to share ........
Proceeds continue to make a difference
This is one of my favourite photos taken in Senegal Africa.
After raising money last year, I joined other women on a trip to Senegal Africa in February. I witnessed first hand how investing in communities, changing mindsets, developing programs and building VISION, COMMITMENT & ACTION plans with women in hunger stricken areas was breaking the pattern of starvation and poverty.
I am continuing to assist in solutions for worthy causes and those in need by donating the proceeds of all products sold through my website, at events and through global retail outlets.
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This year has certainly been a whirlwind adventure for me. Turning 50 gifted me with not only a few more wrinkles, but also some new adventures and travel. Exploring new places, countries and destinations is my absolute passion.
Interestingly I have made some 'new friends' this year. Some ‘tree folk’ planted across the globe and they have shifted my awareness....
Over the weekend I held a stand at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne. Each year I set a different intention when I do this. This year I set the intent of holding space for another. This was great practice for my trip to Senegal, Africa in February next year with Business Chicks and The Hunger Project