I had a dream to one day meet with Oprah Winfrey. This started way back when my adult children were just babies. After writing my story this dream was amplified with Real Purpose. Imagine if the Beautiful Oprah picked up and turned the pages on my story……..
I was offered a seat during her recent visit in Melbourne and at first paused before accepting. You see I once said the same thing about a publishing house and within 12 months found myself sitting in front of Hay House – in their audience. – Haha so my dream did come true - to sit in front of a publishing house just not how I really wanted it.
Sitting in the Melbourne audience at ‘an evening with Oprah’ ‘, I sat way up in the back row. As soon as Oprah began to speak I knew why I was meant to be there. To feel the amazing OPEN Heart of a Woman that has truly made so much positive change in the World.
I was excited to learn that Oprah connects to her own tree – her muse to help guide her within while she meditates each day. This excited me because of my own connection to the Banyan tree that I sat in while in Mauritius. When I took my spontaneous healing trip to discover myself. Within the heart of the Banyan I shared the Wisdom that flowed from my pen -- onto the many pages that followed…….
Oprah also has a special connection to the beautiful people in South Africa where she owns an Academy for Girls. I am not sure how my own connection in South Africa grew however my Facebook following just took off from that corner of the Globe.
Underneath all the inspiration that I gained from Oprah I recognised a unified desire to leave this World a better- richer place. By richer I do not mean money – I mean a worthwhile place to live.
During the week I went to help out a friend Peta-Gai who has taken the leap of faith to establish her own make up line – Iridis Cosmetics. I provided her my face – bare and then beautified and also gave a video testimonial about the work she is doing. Peta-Gai has a dream to bring magic and a special sparkle to every woman to remind them they are ALL beautiful – Bless you Peta-Gai x
While I was helping her out I was chatting with some of her team. One of her team members commented about a contact she had with the Oprah Tour. She said she would try to find out where I could post my latest book – ‘What Once Broke Me’. I thanked her, yet gave it no more thought.
Thursday I ran a competition to send out my book either as an eBook or paperback Worldwide. I know that the energy of giving always shifts energy in such a positive way.
On Friday I get a message to call immediately. I was given the details of where and who to drop my book to so that it would land safely into the hands of Oprah who was speaking in Sydney on the weekend.
My husband and I travelled to Sydney to make this delivery.
Dream Big – Never Give Up!!!
When energy becomes stagnant around you – give something away with love.
I gave my book to Oprah – Into the Hands of Oprah Winfrey
– Rosie x
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This year has certainly been a whirlwind adventure for me. Turning 50 gifted me with not only a few more wrinkles, but also some new adventures and travel. Exploring new places, countries and destinations is my absolute passion.
Interestingly I have made some 'new friends' this year. Some ‘tree folk’ planted across the globe and they have shifted my awareness....
I never set out for these connections and ignored this ability for some time. Then I realised it was the very thing that made me, 'me'. Perhaps this is why I ‘show up’. It’s something that has enabled my own past pain to be set free and replaced with a feeling of peace and love.
Over the weekend I held a stand at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne. Each year I set a different intention when I do this. This year I set the intent of holding space for another. This was great practice for my trip to Senegal, Africa in February next year with Business Chicks and The Hunger Project